

Saif loses 9 Kg for Agent Vinod

Saif avoided cameras and paparazzi pictures until his departure to Morocco this week to avoid giving away his Agent Vinod look. But man proposes, Aamir disposes. Aamir insisted that Saif make it to the party at his home last weekend, thereby blowing the whistle on Saif's carefully-concealed look.

On the eve of his departure to Morocco for the shooting of his second home production Agent Vinod, Saif Ali Khan completely revamped his look and went into hiding until he left the country.

According to close friends, Saif was apprehensive about the exposure of his special makeover in as Agent Vinod. He has lost oodles of weight changed his hairstyle and redesigned his entire body language to play a lean spy.

A friend of Saif says, "If Shahid Kapoor in his dad's film Mausam has modelled his look on Tom Cruise in Top Gun, Saif's role model for Agent Vinod is Matt Damon in Bourne Identity."

A special hair styling done by Aalim Hakim clipping off the long tresses that Saif was lately seen sporting had been planned for six months. Saif wanted to delay the haircut until the final moment before his departure from Morocco.

Besides that, Saif has been working out frantically and toning his muscles to look sinewy agile and panther- like.

While Saif remained inaccessible for any questions on his makeover for Agent Vinod (he probably thinks even talking about it would invite copycats) his ladylove Kareena Kapoor willingly and proudly spills the beans. "Saif has never looked cooler. He has lost 9 kilos in three months. He has all toned and rippling muscles. He was with long hair for so long that I had forgotten how dashing he looks in cropped hair. Saif has got his hair cropped really short, that's all I can tell you about his Agent Vinod look. He got it done a couple of days back. Since then he was reluctant to step out of his house. "

So frightened was Saif of revealing his new look that he refused to show it even to his own parents. Only Kareena had the privilege of seeing Saif's makeover avatar. Until Aamir's party.

"And that too only because I'll see how he looks anyway because I'm his co-star," laughs Kareena, adding that her look in Agent Vinod would also be unique.

"Akki Narula is doing my look for Agent Vinod. I don't think I've ever looked the way I would in Agent Vinod. As for Saif, he looks like a Hollywood star for the film. I can't take my eyes off him."

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