I was extremely caught up with Bollywood : Sameera
RED ALERT - THE WAR WITHIN releases today and Sameera Reddy couldn't have been happier. It was close to a couple of years back when she was associated with this Ananth Mahadevan directed film. Now that her effort is ready to be unveiled in front of audience, she can't help but keep her fingers crossed and wait for the final outcome. The film is also special because she started working on it at the time when she was going through a low period.
"I wasn't quite enjoying my life", she sighs, "In life you are sometimes so busy chasing things that you don't know what you are actually doing. Once you decide that you want to be a little relaxed in life, things finally start falling in place all by themselves."
"I was extremely caught up with Bollywood", admits Sameera who comes with a hat trick of successes (RACE, DE DANA DAN, ONE TWO THREE) behind her, "My life was only about that. Eventually I realized that it was just a state of mind. We actors sometimes just don't take out for time for ourselves. The way we run from one shoot to another, it is simply crazy. I guess it is necessary for us to give time to our own life."
This is the reason why the first step for her was to get into a weight loss regime. "I worked hard on myself and went through a weight loss. It was before the release of DE DANA DAN and ever since then I haven't looked and felt better. Also, I changed as a person and that showed. One needs to have a healthy mind as well to ensure a healthy body", smiles Sameera before signing off.