

Prachi Desai's once a year experience

Prachi Desai is someone who makes once a year appearance. In 2008 she made a rocking debut with ROCK ON, in 2009 she followed it up with another reasonable success in LIFE PARTNER and this year she has ONCE UPON A TIME IN MUMBAAI is coming up, a film that has sent just the right signals in the industry. However, given the fact that Prachi has maintained a plain Jane image for herself during all these years, one does get a strong sense that she has created some boundaries for herself when it comes to picking and choosing roles.

"Honestly speaking, I haven't really made any conscious effort around this", says Prachi, "In fact what has proven to be a drawback is my earlier work that I did for television. I was offered the kind of roles in films that reminded people of my TV stint. I didn't want to do that. Thankfully, now the situation has changed for better so people are looking at me differently as well."

Being someone who is keeping a wait and watch stance as far as picking up newer assignments is concerned, Prachi understands that the going would be a little tougher for her. "Frankly, I am a complete outsider which makes things even tougher for me. For us actors, it is the script, director and the role that chooses you and not the other way around. All I have done consciously though is not to accept roles that I have been doing earlier on TV or even my couple of films. I don't want to repeat myself."

She doesn't believe that it is only girl-next-door roles for her so far in Bollywood.

She says, "If you look at my films so far, ROCK ON had me playing a very subtle character, in LIFE PARTNER there was a lot more comedy while ONCE UPON A TIME IN MUMBAAI has me in a period setting. So yes, they have all been different".

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